Monday, November 26, 2007

Episode 25: The End

This will be my last blog. When I thought that nothing could go wrong, it did. Life goal met though. I wanted to love at least one person with all that I am. I have done that now. How was I to know that it wouldn't be enough for him? I shouldn't be surpirsed though. I knew I wasn't good enough for him, but still, I can dream, right? I love him with everything that I am. I never lied to him. Everything that I ever said to him was true. I never lied to him about how I felt. Never. But what good did it do me? None. I still lost him. I guess the thing that I was meant to learn this lifetime, was that love just wasn't in the cards for me. And that knowledge is too much to bear. A true love was the only thing I ever wanted and I thought I had it. I would have gone through Hell and back for him and then he leaves me. He thought that I would be happier without him, but he never even stopped to think if that was true or not. I refuse to go on from here. This is the end. All I wanted was him. Just him. That's it. I was content with seeing him just at school. I would rather see him a little than not at all. I guess I found out how he felt on that. He is my heart, my soul, my very breath. But he's gone now. So where do I go from here?

1 comment:

DemonKitty2010 said...

if this is a suicide note i will kill u myself. dont ever think about killing urself. believe me out of all the things i have learn is that suicide is a cowardly way of getting out of things. trust me i have tried. it is no the way out. plz, GODS, i hope that is not what u meant by this blog.