Someone please tell me why the cruelest things happen to the nicest people? Or is that the nicest ones are formed by his/her past? Either way, why does it have to happen? There is so much that this world has to offer, why is that the negative always out-weighes the good? It's not fair. No one deserves some of the stuff that has happened to those around me. What is the point to some of the mindless cruelty that occurs to innocent people? It just pisses me off to no end that the most important people in my life have led mis-used and abused lives due to the ones that they can not escape, their parents, the adults in their lives. It is a major mis-use of time, authority and power. It is beyond rediculous. But what is even worse, though it is an abuse of the authority position of the aforementioned adult, nothing can be done, legally. The child is stuck until there can be real proff that something wrong is happening. And even then, it can still go wrong. Has anyone seen or heard of some of the crap that goes on in the foster care system? If not, you don't want to, unless any of this has made you curious you can go to following link to see examples of what is happening to America's children after the previous abuse of the parents. Can some one please just explain the point to causeing everyone else pain? Why?
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2 months ago
1 comment:
sara the truth is there IS no explaination to y they do what they do to their children. they have so much anger and hate or something so they take it out on children. I dont think parents realize how smart the average teenager is when it comes to what they do and our point of view. (if that made any sense) they think that since we r not adults or their age that we dont understand or dont know enough. i have that realtionship with my parents that is y i know this and i wish it could change but there is (like u said) nothing we "children" can do.
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