So...two of the most dreaded days are upon me. Tomorrow at 1 o'clock, I have a job interveiw. My first. Am I ready for this? Not at all. I've gotten used to waking up whenever the fuck I want. But then again, this is only a part time job, working when they think they will be the busiest. It's just, I'm going to miss being able to write down any story idea, or next paragraph or brilliant sentence that just forms in my mind. I remember my first job and how I strugged to keep the good stuff in my mind all day and still do my job. And I'm afraid that some of the people I have grown accustomed to talking to on a daily basis will lose touch and I wont be able to talk to them much anymore.
And now the worst part. Next monday, at 1 o'clock (what is with 1 o'clock???), I'll be getting a physical and pap. I hate doctors. I hate physicals even more. And my all time least favorite thing, a pap. Stripping, putting my legs in those little stirups and spreading myself in front of someone that I just met. Not my favorite thing in the whole world. In fact my least favorite thing. I would rather be pregnant again with morning sickness all day through again than have a pap done. I HATE IT! *sigh* At least I have till next Monday to really worry about this shit.
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2 months ago
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