I recovered, slowly, from Blake. I re-read my posts about him and it's interesting to read how I felt about him then and the lack of emotion I feel now about him. I mean, he is still an ass for leaving me the way he did and I'm more miffed about the fact that he took my favorite mythology book with him and refused to give it back, even if I sent him the money to pay for the shipping and packaging back to me. Oh well, I will just buy myself a new copy at some point or another.
After the blog I wrote about the drama with Stephanie, I attracted some attention on MySpace. One of the guys that wrote me about it was intriguing in the casual sex kind of way. After a few weeks of talking I decided to go on a date with him. I was still living with mom at the time and for a while I tried to find some way to get into Athens without mom knowing I was going to meet a 31 year old man. I knew nothing bad was going to happen, but that's kind of hard to explain to my mother. But, he ended up coming to pick me up at mom's anyway. I told her he was coming and I was down at the barn when he pulled up the driveway and I told her he was here and I walked back up to the house to meet him. I figured she was coming up to meet him too before we left. We waited for 10 minutes or so and when she still hadn't come up from the barn, we decided to just go. BIG MISTAKE!
We ended up going to Blur that night to try and catch the Drag show but beforehand we stopped in at his apartment to kill some time before the show. I IMed my friend Jordan, who living right up the road from his apartment and asked her if she wanted to come to Blur with us and she said no and informed me that my mother was freaking out that she couldn't get in touch with me and I told Jordan that she shouldn't be freaking out, I told her where we were going and when we would be back and Jordan just brushed it off as well, another BIG MISTAKE. But anyways. We attempted to have sex, THE FIRST NIGHT WE MET, and it just didn't work. I was too small and he was way too big. I distinctly remember reaching down to grab his cock to try and help and saying once I did "Oh my god! it's a monster!!!". LOL. We gave up and went on to the club. We missed the show, which was annoying as hell to me but oh well, it was our fault. We ended up walking around downtown for a little while before heading on back to my moms house.
All hell broke loose when we got there. Mom was pissed and yelling at the both of us. I got so mad at her I was nearly crying in anger. And then her head nearly exploded when she found out how old he was. But I didn't care. We continued to see each other.
A few weeks later I had my license and my truck finally. Every Thursday I would drive in to town for a Mary Kay meeting and stay at his place from Thursday until Monday when I go home. This was ok for a while. His roommate started to get frustrated with it though and even though I tried to stay out of the way and cook and clean and stuff, the shit eventually hit the fan with that living situation. He ended up moving out of his roommates place, and in to my room at my moms. Oh joy of joys.
Living with my boyfriend and my mother under the same roof was painfully annoying. Dealing with my mothers obvious suspicion of an older man and her younger daughter, my mothers heartbreak over my father's sudden desertion and infidelity and making just enough money to pay bills was putting a strain on us all. There were good times but mostly bad times. Stuff got even weirder in the house once he proposed. He asked my mother's permission first, he says he would have asked Dad but Dad wasn't there to ask, and mom gave him her blessing, if I accepted, that is. I think she honestly thought I would say no. But I didn’t.
Will and I moved out a few months after that and have been in our apartment in Athens for almost a year now and we just signed another year lease. We’re working on getting pre-qualified for a mortgage and it’s looking like it’ll take another two years instead of the one we thought it would be. We’ll probably be in our apartment for another two years or so. We need to get his credit score fixed and I don’t have any credit at all. The loan officer says we need to have good credit and that could take a while.
The wedding is in September. We finally put the deposit down on the facility. The wedding will be outdoors in the pavilion by the lake at one of the parks in Athens. It should be a lovely fall day and everything will be perfect. I’m convinced of it.
So anyways, you’re now up to date with everything major that’s happened in the past two years. I plan on keeping this blog updated often. Until next time.
Slave Belle
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