Halloween was Friday. For the past 5-6 years, mom hasn't let me out for Halloween. No parties. No trick-or-treating. Just sitting at home with her and Sleepy Hallow and Bram Stoker's Dracula. Well, I'm 18 now. She could have said that I couldn't go out, but I still would have.
I was more than excited about Halloween this year. My best friend lives in an apartment complex so I was more than excited by then. We could go trick-or-treating AND hand out candy!!! Too f***ing cool!!! We also made plans to go to this club, Level 131 on Broad Street in Downtown Athens, for the clubs Heaven or Hell Halloween 2008 Party! Level 131 is a dance club and I LOVE to dance. Well, me and Jordan decided we wanted to get new costumes for the club. So we (me, Jordan and our friend Alexandra) went to get costumes. By this time we're bouncing off the walls. So, it takes forever for us to get back to the apartment. It's too late to go trick-or-treating now. Disappointing, but I'm still pumping to go to the club. I should have known the night was doomed from the start, starting when we got to the costume store and they didn't have the costume I wanted.
We got into the club, saw a ton of friends from school. And then we somehow ended up spending the evening on a couch up against the back wall. Me and Alexandra kept waiting for some of our guy friends to show up so we had some guys with us on the dance floor. Jordan, spent the night with her f***ing cell phone glued to her gods d***ed hands. She let her fiance, whom she has never met and lives in Maine, ruin her night. And her negative energy spilled over to us. And then, the one little bit of drama for the night happened.
We had just gotten off the phone with Blake, who was too drunk to even find Level, when the first fight broke out. All of a sudden, there is this mob of black guys and mexican guys trying to kill each other about 10 feet away from out wall. Panic sets in. We're already too close to the wall to back up, so we quickly shuffled around them. We thought we were far enough away. We were wrong. We had to move again. This time Alexandra and I weren't quick enough. We were trapped in a corner. We were so close I'm surprised we didn't get hit. No, we were lucky we didn't get hurt.
I have no clue where the f***ing bouncers were, but eventually the different groups pulled themselves apart. And what do you know? It was a gang fight. I'm not even going to name them here. Not worth it and I don't want that kind of attention.
But anyways. It looks like everything is calmed down, all the bouncers are in that room and we go back to our couch. We aren't even there a min. before another fight breaks out and we're up and all the way across the room, out of the way and away from corners before we get trapped again. Fight lasts less than 2 min. before the bouncers break it up. We're back to our couch. And out guys show up! But what do they do? Zero in on Jordan, the tall, skinny chick with big tits. And what happens because of that? They pick up on Jordan's mood and now we're all sitting there frustrated.
Me and Alexandra take the iniative and drag Jordan and the boys to the dance floor. Now, this is what I will not understand, ever. Jordan kills our mood by just standing there. The boys just left, went back to the couch and Jordan just stood there. Well, it's no fun to dance with someone who wont dance, so we all left and was miserable on the couch again. And that was it until 3 AM when Jordan had enough and declared that we were leaving.
And get this. We're out the door and almost on the street when these idiot guys start a street fight. In the middle of Broad Street, completly surrounded by cops. The stupidity that was ruling the streets Halloween night was unbelievable. I mean, Halloween should not be the time for everyone to leave what little brains they have.
Walking down the street to the Holiday Inn Express (yes, I know, we weren't supposed to park there), I slip and fall when crossing the street. For some reason, I've been having a really hard time walking in my boots. Actually, I've been having a really hard time walking in my boots on top of road paint. Something about it makes my boots slip. And that is how the death of my favorite boots happen. The murder: road paint. Casualties: my heart. I actually cried over my boots. They are ruined. The sole has been ripped off the bottom of the left boot and the right has the same thing happening. And the leather is majorly scuffed, to the point were I don't even think I can call it scuffed, just ripped off, at the toe of the left boot. I seriously mourn my boots.
The best part of the night was The Circle Jordan and I cast. I've neglected my rituals, daily offerings and worship for far too long. It was great to be able to do it again. I'm not going to share many details of that part of the night. We wore cloaks and jeans, nothing else. Suffice it to say, we were freezing and greatful to get dressed again when we finished. lol.
The rest of the weekend went ok. Saturday we went to see Saw V, again. But this time we took Gay Man (my ex-boyfriend, Zacky-Poo..lol) with us. It's always a blast to go see a gory, bloody movie with Gay Man/Zacky-Poo. It's just so cute to me to see a gay guy cower in fear and plaster himself to me to bury his face in my hair so he doesn't have to watch. But then, we went too far. After the movie, we went to the Athens Fair. It was the lamest fair I have ever been to in my entire life. And yet, Zacky-Poo got sick. I am so glad that he didn't get sick on me. I would have felt bad for him as I killed him. But he got sick. Jordan was desperate to go on the "Ferris Wheel". Ok, this was no ordinary Ferris Wheel. It was one of those ones where if you dont control the wheel, you end up flipping upside down and going around and around upside down. Well, I'm afraid of heights. I can fly commercial and am fine. I can be on the balcony of a top floor hotel room, sitting on the railing, not holding on and be perfectly fine. But apparently, Feris Wheels, the swings that go up about 300 feet in the air, ladders, ect freak me the fuck out! And what do I do? I ride the Feris Wheel in Zacky-Poo's place. We went up and I was crying before we got half way up. Jordan laughed at me. We went around 3 times before she called to the guy to stop the ride. But she crawled out of the seat laughing at me. I wanted to strangle her.
We left very soon after that. Took Zacky-Poo home. We then went to WalMart and Chick-fil-A. Went home. Jordan went to bed in 10 min. and I watched movies and played on the internet until about 12:30. Went to bed and was jerked awake when Stephan, jordan's dad, teasingly tried to steal my teddy bear from my arms and hide it. Evil man that he is. I spoiled his plan though. I woke up and was awake until he left. Dead to the world again in 5 min.
Nothing else eventful. I packed all my crap up. Jordan drove me home. That was my Halloween weekend.
I came home on Sunday and decided that if I had known that that is what my Halloween weekend would have been like, I would have just stayed home.
Signing Off
2 months ago
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